Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Hero's Journey - Finding Nemo

Won Woo, Minsu, Somin, Hyeongbin
Our Film:
Finding Nemo
Why we chose it:
Everyone watched it.


1. Ordinary World:
While Marlin is very protective, Nemo is excited to go to school.
2. Call to Adventure:
To prove himself brave, Nemo ventures out to the “Butt” but he is caught by a scuba driver.
3. Refusal of the Call:
Marlin is afraid to cross the “Great Barrier Reef” and enter the open ocean.
4. Meeting the Mentor:
Through Dory who overcomes her short-term memory loss by humor, Marlin regains hope and believes in Nemo.
5. Crossing the Threshold:
Marlin and Dory swim together into the open ocean.


6. Tests, Allies, Enemies:
Marlin and Dory meet the would-be vegetarian sharks Bruce, Anchor and Chum and escape the mine field.
They encounter a surf-cultured sea turtle Crush and travel the “East Australian Current”.
A friendly pelican Nigel recognizes Marlin and take them to the dentist.
7. Approach to the Innermost Cave:
Believing Nemo is dead, Marlin leaves Dory and swims away but Dory relights Marlin’s hope.
8. Ordeal:
To save Dory from the jellyfish, Marlin almost dies from the sting but recovers to meet Crush, who explains Marlin how he can trust his son.
9. Reward:
While Marlin believes Nemo is dead, Nemo drains out to the ocean and meets Dory, who then leads Nemo back to Marlin.


10. The Road Back:
To save Dory from the net, Marlin lets go of Nemo realizing that he must have confidence in his son.
11. Resurrection:
Having once believed Nemo was dead, Marlin apologizes to Nemo for not having faith in him.
12. Return With the Elixir:
Marlin and Nemo return home and from the lessons learnt from their adventures, they live a happier life.

Points of contention (ifs/ands/buts):
It was surprising to see how a child animation had such a complicated hero’s journey.

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